Osho Active Meditations

“Osho designed various Active Meditations keeping the Modern Men in his perspective. Meditation is a very natural phenomena however it has become difficult for the modern men to experience meditation because of fast paced life, smart phones, internet, various other technological advancement & globalization. The human mind has evolved very much & science is continuously making new advancement everyday”

Osho Active Meditations

Looking at this situation Osho designed Active Meditations that are jumps from one extremes to another. All his active meditations are divided into stages followed by few minutes of silence & relaxation towards the end. Below are the list of all the Osho Active Meditations:

Osho Dynamic Meditation
Osho Kundalini Meditation
Osho Nadabrahma Meditation
Osho Nataraj Meditation
Osho Mandala Meditation
Osho Devavani Meditation
Osho Gourishankar Meditation
Osho Whirling Meditation

Osho Vipassana Meditation

Osho Chakra Breathing Meditation
Osho Chakra Sounds Meditation
Osho No-Dimensions Meditation

Osho Golden Light Meditation
Osho Heart Meditation
Osho Mahamudra Meditation
Osho Laughter Meditation
Osho Gibberish Meditation

Osho Evening Meeting Meditation

To Learn Meditation

“Meditation Guidance Programme with Agyatt”

A unique opportunity to learn all the Osho Meditations.

For more information on this online course please click on the link below:

Meditation Guidance Programme with Agyatt

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