Osho Nataraj Meditation

It is a dancing meditation. Dancing with your totality & get lost in this totality completely & fully. In this meditation you do not need to plan your moves, just let your body move with the music, whatever way it wants to move. In this dance the ego should disappear& only dance should remain. When division between the dance & the dance will disappear it will become a meditation until then it will only be an exercise. Osho says that you must remember the word playful & be playful while doing this meditation, enjoy the dance & the music. Dancing has many physical & psychological benefits.

This meditation can be done any time during the day & is supported by the specific audio recording of OSHO Nataraj Meditation music.

Osho Nataraj Meditation


This meditation last 65 minutes & has 3 stages.


Below are the two different instructions.

First one: This is from the source “Osho International Meditation Resort, Pune”



Second one: This is from my experience of doing this meditation by myself for few months/days:

First Stage: 40 Minutes – Eyes Closed

Dancing: In this stage just let your unconscious take over completely, forget the witness completely & be madly in dance. Just let your body flow with the music & dance. Do not plan or control the body movement in the dance. Keep your eyes closed in this stage.


Second Stage: 20 Minutes – Eyes Closed

Lying Down: When the music stops just lie down immediately. Do not move the body & let the energy move & remain still.


Third Stage: 5 Minutes – Eyes Closed

Dancing: In this stage celebrate in joy, happiness & enjoyment.

To learn this Meditation Online:

“One Month of Online Osho Meditations”

A unique opportunity to learn all the Osho Meditations at the comfort of your home.

For more information on this online course please click on the link below:


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