Self-Hypnosis – Group Workshop
Do you know that most of the conditioning of the mind already happens by the time we are seven years of age & after that we simply the live by the patterns that we have learned already. Subconscious mind is 6000 times more powerful than the conscious mind.
Self-Hypnosis is a science to work with the subconscious mind. It will be a two hours programme to learn about the power of your subconscious mind.
We will explore different aspects of mind and its functioning. We will also understand about multiple layers of mind.
This programme will help you understand about conditioning, self-limiting belief systems & to create positive affirmations.
We will learn:
1. The way conscious & subconscious mind functions.
2. How the programming of different minds gets formed?
3. What is a fight & flight mechanism?
4. How to create positive affirmations for faster results?
5. How to use the subconscious mind to your advantage.
6. Understand about conditioning.
120 minutes
Shared on request
Takeaways from this workshop:
1. You will get a personal recording for dropping the positive suggestions into your own subconscious mind every day.
2. Ability to create positive affirmations.
3. Usage of the subconscious mind for your advantage.
4. Understand your own conditioning & break those patterns.
Contact us on:
Mobile & Whatsapp: (+91) 7083-721-725
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